Friday, April 17, 2015

If you are viewing this...

To anyone who is still viewing this:

This blog was done for a college project a few years ago. This blog is based on my own experiences with Solid Rock. Any and all information is based purely on my time spent there and is not representative of Solid Rocks' or the staffs view. I love Solid Rock and respect everyone there.

With that said, the information on here is most likely outdated. If you are looking for updated information, I encourage you to seek out their website or visit one of their locations.

Much love to you all!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


First of all, I wish to welcome everyone to the blog: Solid Rock - A Jesus Church. This blog explores Solid Rock as a community by introducing you to the different aspects of the community and touching on the concepts taught in Understanding Communities.
Before you start exploring this blog, I highly recommend starting with the older posts to get a good background on the community before moving on to the concepts post, however, the order you wish to explore is completely up to you.
Thank you for visiting this blog and I hope you walk away with a good understanding of Solid Rock as a community. God bless!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Challenges and Class Concepts

Some challenges facing Solid Rock are more issues of spreading the word and getting out into the community that is Portland area.
Solid Rock encourages its members to not stay within its own community but to actually go out into other areas and spread the word that is Jesus and love. So many times communities do not invite others to join them. They stay their own little group acting as if they are holding a secret between the members. Solid Rock does not want this to occur in its own community, but to actually invite others to join and become a community member.
Unfortunately, many members may feel awkward, scared, or uneasy about talking to their neighbors, friends, or even family members about joining them. Members may worry about the reaction they will receive upon inviting others or even stating what community they are a part of. Solid Rock encourages its members to overcome that fear; to pray for the courage to speak up and be honest.
The other issue facing Solid Rock is the issue of how large it is. It is a wonderful thing to see so many people coming together to celebrate the Lord. The issue is not that there are too many people, but that some people, most likely newcomers may feel alone, invisible, or disconnected from the community. This is one reason there are many groups to join and Solid Rock encourages its members to get connected and to meet new people. It is important to try and get to know someone else in such a large community.

An ever occurring issue that faces any Christian community is the issues that outsiders hold. It is well known that many people do not like Christians and/or do not agree with their beliefs. Our community is no different. As individuals, almost every member has had to face this fact and has had to deal with the criticism of others. Solid Rock as a whole realizes this issue. Luckily we live in a city that does not threaten us or attack us directly. We can feel safe within our community and feel safe while attending services. We are blessed to be a community located in a larger tolerant community. To my knowledge there are never been an issue in relation to our beliefs conflicting with others of the Portland area.

Solid Rock has grown quite large and is set in the larger community that is Portland. This means we do not have to worry about being displaced. In the beginning, of course, Solid Rock had to find its home, moving from one location to another. Luckily, now it is set and so are its members.
For the members that are not completely set and have had to move, there is no worry about becoming disconnected. Technology has helped in this area greatly. Thanks to the internet, video cameras, and iTunes, along with websites, the members of the Solid Rock community can access the messages right on their computers. The websites for this are:

Technology has only helped to further our community and keep us stronger by keeping us connected. Solid Rock also has its own Facebook page:

We can stay on top of the news from Solid Rock.
Some news has included those from the community traveling to other areas to help those communities develop and further. Mission trips include some members from Solid Rock going to areas such as Haiti or Africa to help build houses amongst other things. We raise money during the services, both for the Portland area and those overseas. Solid Rock them goes to areas that need help and organize with the locales to help in whatever they need. We are blessed to be in a position to help others without needing too much help ourselves.

With all this in mind, I believe Solid Rock will continue to grow and spread out. This community is a strong one with tough members who would not give up easily if anything large occurred. There are so many members that it would be hard to break them all up. Solid Rock will be around for many many more years to come.

Other Branches

Solid Rock does many events and groups through the church. If a Sunday service is not your style or interest, perhaps meeting with a smaller group or going to an event would better suit you.
Some groups to think about checking out:
Middle School: A group of middle school kids that meets every Wednesday at 7pm at Westside in The Garage. (
High School: A group of High school students that meets every  Wednesday at 7pm at Westside in the Video Venue. (
The Bridge: A group of college aged adults that meet every Friday at 7pm at Westside in The Garage.
House Churches: There are many house churches through Solid Rock. Solid Rock promotes joining a house church quite a bit. House churches meet twice a month at a members house. You can find a house church on Solid Rocks website. (

There are many events throughout the year with Solid Rock. Some of these include:
Women's Night in Prayer: Women gather from midnight to 6am to pray and worshiped.

Loveology: A group of young adults gather two evenings to talk about what the Bible says about love. (

Christmas Eve at the Arlene Schnitzer Hall in Portland
There are many more events throughout the year to keep your eyes open for!

New Comers

Solid Rock has always been welcoming to new comers, no matter where in their life they are. Being a Jesus church, the members believe in following the Lord's example and meeting people where they are currently. You do not have to be a believer at all to be welcomed in the church. Here are a few questions and answers for anyone considering visiting Solid Rock:

"Thinking about visiting Solid Rock? Here’s a list of commonly asked questions.
What type of church is Solid Rock?
We are a community of Jesus Followers. We are not a part of any specific denomination but are here to love people wherever they are at in life.
What can I expect when I show up to a gathering?
Each gathering begins with worshiping through singing, everyone greets the people around them, followed by a teaching from the Bible that lasts about 45 minutes. We respond to the teaching through worship by singing, tithes and offerings, and taking of communion.
What is the difference between Downtown and Westside?
All six gatherings are the same, just different people and locations.
How do I get involved in community at Solid Rock
House Church. Smaller groups of people inside Solid Rock that grow together as disciples of Jesus, do life together, and live on mission to the city.
Can I bring my kids?
We have an awesome kids ministry that is safe, clean, and a ton of fun. At all our gatherings (except Saturday 8 p.m.) we offer kids ministry 0-5th grade. The kids have a blast playing, learning Bible stories and verses, and making new friends."

Quote from a member surveyed:
"Those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone and live in the community, the followers of Jesus at this church are welcoming, loving, and very servant hearted....Being mostly introverted I chose to break out of my comfort zone. The people here have shown me what community is."


A survey was sent out to those of this community about whether or not they felt Solid Rock was a community and if they felt a part of the community. I also asked them if they participated in other groups connected with Solid Rock, such as the Bridge, other ministries, volunteering, etc.
Without a doubt the members of Solid Rock felt this was a community and they were a part of it. There were a few who felt they were not a part of the community because Solid Rock is such a large group of people. It is important to note that those who felt a part of the community also participated in other groups or volunteered. They mentioned meeting people and making new friends. The key seemed to be connecting with others and knowing at least a few people inside the church. Also, of course everyone is gathering with a single strong interest they share: The Lord. Relationship in general is a large theme as we were created to be in relationships with others.

Some quotes on community from those in the community:
Solid Rock is a community because:
"We are a family"
"It is my second family"
"[We] support each other"
"[I have] a lot of support in my walk [and] my personal life journey"
"Followers of Jesus at this church are welcoming and loving"
"Attenders do stuff together outside of normal gathers"
"It’s a group of people with a common interest coming together in relationship. We grow, learn, laugh, and stand strong together"
"There are people of many ages working together and living together"

How is Solid Rock working to make and keep the church a community?
The consensus among members is that Solid Rock promotes joining groups within the church. They realize that this is a large church with many members, which can make one feel lost and disconnected. To help make every member feel a part of the community they encourage everyone to join house churches, volunteer, come to events, and find a place for yourself where you can feel connected.

Almost every person surveyed stated that they felt a part of the community. 
In their own words:
"I have developed many amazing relationships here"
"I know I always have people to turn to"
"I'm very involved"
"The people here have shown me what community is"

"[Solid Rock] has given me a place to feel safe and not's [a] great environment"
"I feel at home at Solid Rock. It was the first community I was a part of that really welcomed me in and made me feel I really belonged"

I believe Solid Rock has succeeded in making a community.

The Experience


Solid Rock is not typical when it comes to churches. The staff seem to have chosen a path that allows for everyone to feel at home and 'alive'. The decor is fairly simple with padded benches along the lobby walls and windows. There are tables put out in the center of the long lobby filled with fruit, muffins, and nuts to munch on in the morning and coffee, tea, and juice to sip on. In the evening they serve more dinner types of foods.
At one end of the lobby is the kitchen which is where all the food actually comes from. Solid Rock has volunteers and some paid staff that actually cooks and bakes the food they serve. At the other end of the lobby is the help desk.
Being in this type of building, there is plenty of room. There are multiple rooms for the kids (of any age) to be cared for and taught. There are also offices for the staff.
The main area is rather large and holds the hundreds of people that come to the weekly gatherings. However, it is still not enough space for these passionate followers. In fact, there is a room outside of the main area just for those who do not come early enough to snag a seat. The Video Venue is set up to hold a few hundred itself and has a screen that shows the live feed from the main area. While this should suffice for everyone, there are some gatherings (around Easter and Christmas) that have even more people than both those rooms can hold. The large lobby comes in handy for these instances. The tables are always removed during the services to be replenished by the kitchen staff. Chairs are set up and the live feed is played on the large white wall near the entrance of the church. No one is ever left standing or sitting against the wall at Solid Rock.

Services start with Worship music which is not the hymns many people think of when they think of church music. Solid Rock is very modern with their music selection. It could be classified as "Christian Rock", with a live band playing. The band changes from time to time and in fact, Solid Rock is fortunate enough to have some famous Christian singers stop by and lead Worship.
At the end of worship members are told to greet another person and actually have a short 2 minute conversation with them. Afterwards, everyone sits down and announcements are made about upcoming events and sometimes new house churches are brought up or people who want to have the church bless their new babies and the entire church extends their arms and prays over the people.
Next comes the message is given by the pastor. Of course there is plenty of praying throughout each section.
The band is then brought back up for more worship and during we take communion together.

The experience is one of a family and community.