Monday, March 5, 2012


A survey was sent out to those of this community about whether or not they felt Solid Rock was a community and if they felt a part of the community. I also asked them if they participated in other groups connected with Solid Rock, such as the Bridge, other ministries, volunteering, etc.
Without a doubt the members of Solid Rock felt this was a community and they were a part of it. There were a few who felt they were not a part of the community because Solid Rock is such a large group of people. It is important to note that those who felt a part of the community also participated in other groups or volunteered. They mentioned meeting people and making new friends. The key seemed to be connecting with others and knowing at least a few people inside the church. Also, of course everyone is gathering with a single strong interest they share: The Lord. Relationship in general is a large theme as we were created to be in relationships with others.

Some quotes on community from those in the community:
Solid Rock is a community because:
"We are a family"
"It is my second family"
"[We] support each other"
"[I have] a lot of support in my walk [and] my personal life journey"
"Followers of Jesus at this church are welcoming and loving"
"Attenders do stuff together outside of normal gathers"
"It’s a group of people with a common interest coming together in relationship. We grow, learn, laugh, and stand strong together"
"There are people of many ages working together and living together"

How is Solid Rock working to make and keep the church a community?
The consensus among members is that Solid Rock promotes joining groups within the church. They realize that this is a large church with many members, which can make one feel lost and disconnected. To help make every member feel a part of the community they encourage everyone to join house churches, volunteer, come to events, and find a place for yourself where you can feel connected.

Almost every person surveyed stated that they felt a part of the community. 
In their own words:
"I have developed many amazing relationships here"
"I know I always have people to turn to"
"I'm very involved"
"The people here have shown me what community is"

"[Solid Rock] has given me a place to feel safe and not's [a] great environment"
"I feel at home at Solid Rock. It was the first community I was a part of that really welcomed me in and made me feel I really belonged"

I believe Solid Rock has succeeded in making a community.

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